We’re coming up on a year since our country went into lockdown due to COVID19. We must know now the importance of continuing to wear a mask, physically distance, and get the vaccine in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. But one thing I learned during this pandemic is the importance of choosing the best supplement that will surely boost our immune system. Specially nowadays I always make sure to value our healthcare. Good thing Dr. Zen’s is here. They develop and improve the quality of our lives by providing advanced and reliable health care devices and over-the-counter products for the entire family.
Dr. Zen’s Research, Inc. is a subsidiary of InnoGen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., trusted provider of innovative, high quality, and reliable medical devices and over-the- counter products. We believe that supplying our clients with high-quality products is vital in achieving better and efficient services not only for healthcare professionals but also for individuals who value their health.

Zinc 10mg Chewable Tablet contains 10mg of Zinc, USP (equivalent to 70mg Zinc gluconate) which is important for growth and the development and health of body tissues. It is also used in the prevention and treatment of zinc-related deficiency cobditions. Best taken at least 1hour before or 2hours after meal. May be taken with meals to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort or as prescribed by the physician. One tablet once a day.
Available at
You can use referral code (BEDALYNDRZENSDEAL2) to avail the Buy 2 bottle take 1 bottle promo (Php270 only), 1 bottle is 30 tablets/ Srp: Php135

Ascorbic Acid is indicated for the prevention and treatment of Vitamin C deficiencies. It is also used to hasten wound healing and increase body resistance from infectious diseases, and to maintain healthy
You can use my referral code (BEDALYNDRZENSDEAL2) to avail the Buy 2 box take 1 box promo (Php1000 only), 1 box is 100capsules/ Srp: Php500
Available at https://www.drzens.com/products/ascorbic-acid-100-capsules-500-mg
Note : For 2+1 deal: Include the number of “free” item in the quantity box.
Example: Ascorbic Acid 2+1 promo. When you order 2 boxes, you get 1 box free. However, you have to input 3 in the quantity box for the promo code to work.
You need to include the free item in checking out.

BioComplete Vitamins + Minerals + Herbs+Probiotics (Bacillus Coagulans). This is definitely perfect for you and your family’s immunity-boosting needs. BioComplete is packed with 42 vitamins, minerals, herbs, and probiotics formulated to support your health needs. Plus, Probiotics that promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria and have been linked to a wide range of health benefits.
You can use my code BEDALYNDRZENSDEAL3 and get the 1+1 promo (Php2240) — 1Box/80capsules
Avail here https://www.drzens.com/products/biocomplete
Note for 1+1 deal: Include the number of “free” item in the quantity box.
Example: Biocomplete 1+1 promo. When you order 1 box, you get 1 box free. However, you have to input 2 in the quantity box for the promo code to work. You need to include the free item in checking out.
- Kills bacteria and viruses that cause diseases.
- Has highly efficient seven air purifier filters purposely to filter and resolve.
- Filter out even the tiniest particles such as molds, dust, and allergens up to 99.99% purification rate with an outstanding High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter.
- Operates with advanced odour system that quickly reads the air environmental differences.
- User-friendly control panels and uses a light-color indicator, making air cleaning extra effortless.

(What To Do While Waiting for the COVID Vaccine) March 9, Tuesday, as Dr. Zen’s discuss all about vaccines with Dr. Antonio Ligsay. What vaccines do to our body? Are they safe? How does it help end the pandemic?